Vibration monitoring is done to estimate the severity of ground vibration. In order to identify the magnitude and frequency of the vibration whether there is any impact on structures nearby. Vibration monitoring can be carried out during piling driving, blast monitoring for compliance, construction activity, environmental activities etc. The vibration instrument we use for the monitoring is MiniMate Plus, manufactured by INSTANTEL, CANADA. The MiniMate Plus, which displays the peak values of vibration velocity and the dominant frequency on screen, is used for continuous measurement of vibrations. The vibration signals contain the highest peak values (peak signals), which are stored in memory. These signals may be used for later interpretation of the signals at which the peak value values occurs. The MiniMate Plus consists of 3 vibration transducers (geophones) and a data acquisition computer with text display. It measures, displays and stores the peak values of the vibrations with a set frequency.