Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
SPT shall be carried out in accordance with BS 1377-9: 1990, 3.3, ‘Determination of the penetration resistance using a split barrel sampler and a self-tripping hammer of approved design’. All SPTs will consist of both a seating drive followed by a test drive, including cases where high penetration resistances are encountered. The procedure for carrying out all tests as follows:-
Vane Shear Test
Vane test shall be carried out in accordance to BS 1377: 1990 “Determination of shear strength in the field by the vane test. The field vane shear test gives values of the consolidated undrained shear strength of the soil on site. In general it shall be carried out in very soft to stiff non-fissured cohesive soils. Each operation shall include the determination of both the undisturbed and remoulded strength.
Pressuremeter Test
Pressuremeter test was carried out to measure the soil and rock deformation modulus and strength properties that are installed in pre-bored holes. There are two approaches to the use of pressuremeters in site investigation. Based on method developed by Menard, in which the pressuremeter is used to obtain design parameters directly. Menard Pressuremeter is the method to be widely used.
Packer Test
Packer Test also known as Lugeon Test was carried out in accordance to BS 5930:1999, Section 4, Part 25.5. The packer test gives a measure of the acceptance by in-situ rock of the water under pressure. The test was originally introduced by Lugeon (1933) to provide an acceptable standard for testing the permeability of dam foundation. In essence, it comprises the measurement of the volume of water that can escape from an uncased section of borehole in given time under a given pressure. The result of the test usually expressed in terms of Lugeon units.
Trial Pit
The excavation of trial pits or trenches is the most efficient method for observing the true soil conditions. The test pit also can be used for the purpose of inspection and sampling of the ground where the presence of underground services is expected. The test shall be carried in accordance with BS 5930: 1999. Backfilling of the pit shall be conducted as soon as practicable and properly compacted. No pit is allowed to be left open overnight.
Mackintosh Test
The Mackintosh test was carried out to determine the bearing resistance of the subsoil. The result from the Mackintosh Probe test also can be used to calculate the safe pressure of the soil.
Water Standpipe
The test commonly used to monitor the static level of the groundwater, and also to observe the rise and drop of water level with seasonal changes or with tidal changes.
Hand Auger or Mechanical Auger
The hand auger or mechanical auger is an exploratory excavation for the purpose of inspection and sampling of the ground where the presence of underground services is expected. The test shall be carried in accordance with BS 5930 : 1999.
Geophysical Seismic Survey
The purpose of these geophysical investigations was to obtain the geophysical properties of the soil at sites. Few geophysical tests were performed on the soil strata. These results provide the designer with information pertinent to the seismic wave velocities of the materials in question. This data may be used as input into static or dynamic analysis, as means for computing shear modules, Young’s modules and Poisson’s Ratio.